Dr. Alberto Gotti has over 20 years of experience in environment and health impact assessment.
He is experienced in exposure modelling (including biologically-based modelling), climate change processes and policies and the use of GIS for environment and health impact assessment.
Alberto will be involved in the dissemination and innovation activities of BlueHealth, as well as in the execution of the Thessaloniki cycle path research project.
His work has included data fusion – comprising the assimilation and integration of data from different information sources, advanced statistical data analysis and techniques (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) to assess and reduce uncertainty in human health risk assessment, and air quality assessment using satellite data.
In the last twelve years Alberto has worked for the European Commission‟s Joint Research Centre, for the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) the University of Pavia (Italy) and for AUTH.
He was involved in the frame of the projects SMAQ, HEIMTSA, 2-FUN, HEREPLUS, TAGS, INTERA and in the ongoing ones INTEGRA, HEALS, CROME-LIFE+, PEC and CHERRIE.
Alberto is also vice-president of the Mediterranean Scientific Association of Environmental Protection (MESAEP).