Professor Dimosthenis Sarigiannis, M.S., PhD, is Associate Professor specialising on environment and health issues at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Denis is also Adjunct Professor at the Master’s Program on Toxicology and Environmental Risk at the Medical School of the University of Pavia and Senior Scientist at the Chemical Assessment and Testing unit of the Institute for Health and Consumer Protection at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (currently on leave).
Prof. Sarigiannis is the BlueHealth Innovation Manager leading the Innovation and Dissemination theme. He is responsible for engagement with the private and commercial sector around research and social innovations aimed at developing best practices and dissemination products based on the results of BlueHealth.
In addition, he is responsible for the Thessaloniki research project focusing on the assessment of the benefit of the introduction of a walking and cycling path and other health-promotion initiatives along the urban coastline.
Denis’s research focuses on the evaluation of the health and environmental impact of industrial and environmental toxicants, uncertainty associated with human health risk assessment, and data and model fusion for environmental health monitoring.
Since 2004, he has focused on setting up and using exposure biology-based computational models and toxicogenomics techniques for quantitative assessment of the risk from co-exposure to multiple chemical and physical/biological stressors through the environment and consumer products pose developing novel methods to explore the human exposome.