Professor Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen is an expert in environmental exposure assessment, epidemiology, health risk and impact assessment.
He is based at the Barcelona Institute of Global Health (ISGlobal) in Barcelona, Spain.
Mark is leading the BlueHealth focus on Community Interventions which is evaluating the benefits and risks of transport, environmental blue stressors, physical activity, and recreational use of blue infrastructure in different social groups.
He has experience in respiratory disease, cancer and reproductive health, and exposure measurement and modelling of indoor and outdoor air pollution.
Mark also has expertise in pesticides, green space, UV exposure, occupational allergens, chlorination by-products in drinking water and heavy metals, and using new technology such as GIS, smartphones and remote sensing.
He also currently leads the international TAPAS study, examining the health impacts of active transport in six European cities and the EC funded PHENOTYPE study, examining the relations between green space and health.