Francesco Palermo is a Software Engineer at Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC).
In the “Ocean Predictions and Applications” Division of CMCC, he is in charge of activities on the development and oversee of softwares and services for Ocenographic Data production and visualization.
He has also skills in the design and the development of Progressive Web Applications, in particular in the context of the visualization and Decision Support Systems (DSS) of Oceanographic data, and based upon Free/Open Source Software (FOSS).
Since 2015, he has been involved in theEuropean Commission’s Copernicus project, particularly the Marine Environment project CMEMS (Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service), in which he serves as both a Technical Expert and as a Trainer on Marine Data.
In BlueHealth, he is responsible for the design and development of the BlueHealth DST (Decision Support Tool) web application, alongside colleagues from WHO Europe.