Katrin Saar is a Junior Researcher at the Chair of Hydrobiology and Fishery at the Estonian University of Life Sciences.
She began her studies in the field of applied hydrobiology as a bachelors student in 2007. Since 2012, she has been researching the evaluation of the ecological quality of Estonian lakes and has worked on several applied projects concerning lake ecology and restoration.
Katrin has been involved in national hydrobiological monitoring of small lakes in Estonia as an expert in hydrochemistry and morphology, and developed a hydromorphology assessment methodology to assess the state and degree of naturalness of lake shores.
During 2014-2015 she spent 8 months at the University of Southern Denmark studying sediment phosphorus and lake restoration.
In the BlueHealth project, Katrin is developing a tool for assessing the environmental quality of blue spaces. This tool is being created for both experts and public members to use in the evaluation of aquatic sites.